Tone Exploration is just as important as learning the notes on the fretboard!
Take a few minutes during your practice to explore what all the buttons do on the amp or your guitar! Really listen and compare the sounds. Doing this, helps us develop our ear and tune into small differences. We will come across tones we may have never imagined. And have the ability to pick out changes in tone (think of it as an accent, remember, this is a language!)
And this also helps us discover what kind of tones we like…and don’t like. This is why so many of the bands/artists we know and love are so easily distinguishable.
Because they found the sound that resonates with them!
Ask yourself what changed when you moved any of these knobs:
(Volume may be pretty obvious, but there was a time in our lives when we didn’t know what that knob did. And I’m sure we quickly learned what happens when we crank it!")
If you’re an acoustic player, pay attention to how things changed when you use a pick vs. fingerpicking. How does the sound change based on where you place your strum hand? This is a great exercise for our ears!
Next up, we’ll talk about the 30 Minute Practice Routine!
“You build on failure. Use it as a stepping stone and close the door on the past. Don’t try to forget the mistakes, but don’t dwell on it. ”
Instructor: Sydney Ellen
Sydney is a guitarist, songwriter, and performer from Southern California. Graduating summa cum laude from Berklee College of Music and with over 20 years of experience in music, Sydney is passionate about helping fellow guitar players reach their goals and enjoy learning music. Sydney loves writing music and listening to Classic Rock/Metal hits.