Welcome to The Perfect Practice Routine Digital Course! I’m so excited we’re here and we’re taking the next step toward our guitar goals.
While creating this course, I discovered something interesting.
Have you ever seen those articles that share the morning routines of Elon Musk, Steve Jobs, and Bob Iger? Bob Iger gets up at 5:00 am and fits in a workout. Steve Jobs woke up at 6:00 am, reviewed his long-term goals, and skipped a shower. Elon musk, 7:00 am with only 6 hours of sleep and would grab a coffee.
What’s interesting is we look to their routines in hopes of finding the “magic key” to our own routine! The truth is, those routines work perfectly for them and that’s what makes them so magical! They refined the amount of sleep they need, and what helps them reach peak productivity. So they stuck with it!
I kept this in mind when creating this course. And my hope for this course is we can find the perfect practice routine for you to reach peak productivity on guitar!
Each and every one of us is at a different point on our guitar journey. And most of us enjoy playing different genres of music, prefer lead vs. rhythm, or are completely self-taught on guitar.
Wherever we are along the journey, I hope this course will provide the framework needed to make the most out of your time practicing!
See you in the next lesson!
Instructor: Sydney Ellen
Sydney is a guitarist, songwriter, and performer from Southern California. Graduating summa cum laude from Berklee College of Music and with over 20 years of experience in music, Sydney is passionate about helping fellow guitar players reach their goals and to enjoy learning music. Sydney loves writing songs and listening to Classic Rock/Metal hits.